Danielle Interview

Exclusive to Danielle Online

*What was your first thought when Warner Music told you they were going to release your single?

Honestly, my first thought was “woohoo I get to go out and have dinner to celebrate, so the first thought was which restaurant to go to” and then of course I ran around my house like a lunatic and called all my friends!! *haha*

*Were you going to give up after Popstars?

No way!! The key to being successful in any industry is to take the good with the bad, learn from experiences, believe in yourself and NEVER give up!! Even if Warners hadn’t of wanted to release the single, I’d still be out there trying to get a recording deal and just getting out there.. I’m living proof that not giving up means that good things eventuate!! If I had given up after the first series of popstars I wouldn’t have had the opportunities I am receiving now.

*Why didn't you do the video clip that was planned for you during the series?

I was actually really disappointed that the concept from the show wasn’t still used for my clip, because I was really excited about doing the whole funky club thing. But, that’s just one of those times where as a new artist you don’t really have a lot of artistic control and you’re better off leaving it to the experts… by the next film clip I will have more say and so on.. You need to develop a name for yourself before you go suggesting ways to do things. You learn by experiences and my next film clip is guaranteed to be funky!! *YaY*

*If you do release more cds, would you be doing your own songs?

I’m actually in the process of working with some Melbourne-based songwriters at the moment.. so I definitely want to get my own stuff out there!! It’s cool if you’re singing a song written by someone else, you can try and put your own spin on it, but doing your own thing definitely means you can make it your own song. It’s about creating your own style.

*If you didn't end up releasing 'Tell me if you like it' and it went to another artist, what would you say to them if you met them face to face?

Umm am I suppose to say that I’d knock them out??? *laughs* Not that I ever would. No, I don’t know what I would say, probably “Hi I’m Danielle, nice to meet you..” That sounds a bit naf doesn’t it.. Sorry I’m just not that exciting. *haha*

*Describe yourself in 3 words...


*Fans think that you have the best personality in the world, but the thing they worry about is that your going to let your fame get to your head. Do you think this will happen?

No way!! I’m a country girl at heart and if it’s one thing that I’ve been brain-washed with as a child it’s to never forget where you came from. I treat people the way in which I hope to be treated, with kindness and respect. I hate bullies. I was never the most popular girl, but I always had a really funky group of friends that I still see today

*How come you were the only female rumoured to be dating someone in Pop Central?

I have no idea!!! laughs* I often thought about that.. probably because Cherie and Julie both had boyfriends. I think it’s just one of those things.. I’m easy going and I get along with most people so I think I’m always going to be rumoured dating someone.. I have a lot of guy friends simply because I enjoy their company.. I think the most recent rumour is that I’m dating Brodie from Big Brother and even though we are friends and he is a spunk, unfortunately that’s as exciting as it gets!!! Sorry guys.. but if there are any developments I will keep you all posted.. *grins*


Thanx babe!

You’re very welcome :)

I would like to thank the wonderful Danielle for letting me interview her. I hope that YOU..Danielle's Fans...Have had some of your questions answered. Please note, this interview is Exclusive to Danielle Online...it is Genuine!!!

Thankyou Danielle....You rock sweetie!
